作者:互联网 时间: 2007-06-21 13:32:43
惊暴Capcom System 3(CPS3)模拟器测试版终于发表了,Elsemi果然不是一般的强!
新版本支持了子画面缩放: 你将看见子画面图层还没有被正确地调整好或者用全屏缩放还有问题需要改进
3D画面及子图形图层色彩显示还有一些BUG需要改良和完善,SF32ndi 游戏卷轴画面显示还有丢失现象.,
但这是第一个真正意义Capcom System 3(CPS3)模拟器~~~
这个是 CPS3模拟器测试版本。 这包括两个通常和MultiCPU 版本
街头霸王3 ~ 新纪元
街头霸王3 ~ 二度冲击
街头霸王3 ~ 三度冲击 ~ 为未来而战
乔乔奇妙冒险 ~ 未来的遗产
This is a preview version of my CPS3 emulator. Here you
can see the current work-in-progress state of the emulation.
There are still a lot of missing features to emulate properly
so don't report any emulation errors yet. The missing features
include (and the effect caused by them missing) :
Sprite Zoom: you'll see the sprite tiles (squares) not being properly aligned or with gaps
Fullscreen Zoom: Sometimes it seems like the camera is not pointing to the action
Per-tile palette selection: some colors (a lot in some games) are wrong
Priorities: objects that are over the background when they should appear behind
Linescroll: Floor 3D effect missing. SF32ndi scrolling letters in intro missing.
Linezoom: I don't know where is it used :)
CPS3 Emulator Test Version. This package includes both the normal and MultiCPU versions exes.