您的位置:首页 > 街机攻略 > 街机版的《联合大作战》有哪些隐藏要素?


作者:互联网  时间: 2022-11-08 13:16:01  

Double Bonus : When the big flying ship comes (the one in 4 pieces) that gives you one bonus for each player, fire repeatedly on the second piece before it is in place. If it is destroyed before it is in place, you will be given two bonuses per player instead of one.
At the end of level 5 : When you arrive to the final enemy, around the hand pointing up of the statue there are two hidden icons. You can fire up with the jeep (or diagonal with the chopper), and you will see that your shots gets stopped by something invisible. If you keep firing, finally two new icons will appear (of course you don't have to kill the final enemy). Take this icon, and you will have a bonus. The bonus depends on your rank. If you have the Eagle rank you will earn 500,000 bonus points. If you don't have it, then you will earn 100,000 bonus points and the Eagle rank.
第一段 就是每关那个组合飞船 可以双倍奖励 估计都知道
第二段 意思是 第五关 有两个隐藏道具可以获得 也是提到雕像的问题 和我说的一样 直接给满火力和大英的标志 之前如果已经是大英给五百万 如果不是给一百万 到底还是没说咋通关 难道就是通不了的?fc的移植版还有关底呢 街机反而没有 太搞了吧?




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