作者:互联网 时间: 2022-08-29 09:28:00
加入了空中拯救(空中营救),一级方程式赛车 排器纪录对战模式。
Intel SDK-80 [Nigel Barnes, MooglyGuy]
Gaia地球的最后选择 Gaia - The Last Choice of Earth [David Haywood, system11]
翻牌经销商 The Dealer (Visco Games)
[Luca Elia, Fabrice Arzeno, Porchy, rtw, The Dumping Union]
麻将魔法神灯 Mahjong Magic Lamp (v. JAA02) [Dyq, Guru, Luca Elia]
麻雀 超级大中华圈 Mahjong Super Dai Chuuka Ken (Japan, D115) [Dyq, Guru, Luca Elia]
麻将美好之夜 Mahjong Gorgeous Night (Japan, TSM003-01) [Dyq, Guru, Luca Elia]
The Round Up [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Monkey Magic [Smitdogg, *=/STARRIDER=*, BrianT, russ h., Mucci, Justin Kerk,
Bigster, Dave France, Dulleron, Nicolas Francfort, f205v, Gilby, rtw,
gregf, Andy Welburn, Shoutime, MooglyGuy, balrog, Gor, The Dumping Union,
Dirk Best]
顶尖飞行模拟 [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese]
空中射程 [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese]
The Rumble Fish 2 (prototype)
[Brizzo, MetalliC, Coolmod, The Dumping Union]
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 960910) [kawaks]
Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev B) [Andrew Welburn]
Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365) [Andrew Welburn]
Indianapolis (bootleg of Turbo) [f205v]
Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAD) [Fraspe]
Quizard (v1.0) [TeamEurope] (and reorganized sets)
Vendetta (Asia, 4 Players, ver. Z) [Fraspe]
Karate Blazers (bootleg) [Gerald (Coy) and Thierry (ShinobiZ)]
Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 9.10, prototype?) [caius, mastercello]
Maya (set 4, clean) [system11]
Hot Rod (Japan, 4 Players, Floppy Based, Rev C) [Ordyne]
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan Resale Ver. 920714)
[Alex Cmaylo, The Dumping Union]
Hot Chase (set 2)
Shinobi (Datsu bootleg, set 2) [Andrew Welburn]
Midnight Resistance (Joystick bootleg) [Guru]
Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) (encrypted, KONATEC XC-103SS CPU)
[Kevin Eshbach, David Haywood]
Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 4) [Marco, Guru]
Gang Hunter [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Spatter (315-5099) [Andrea Palazzetti]
Phoenix (Assa, Spanish bootleg) [Rockman & Edcross]
Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) [Rockman]
Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM) [system11]
Hana to Ojisan [BET] (ver 1.00, 1991/08/23) [AeroCityMayor]
Power Spikes (Italian bootleg) [Manual Assoni]
NFL Blitz '99 (ver 1.2, Aug 28 1998) [SiftWare]
California Speed (Version 1.0r8 Mar 10 1998, GUTS Mar 10 1998 / MAIN Mar 10 1998)
PuzzLove (Korea) [system11]
Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16) [rtw, Team Europe, The Dumping Union]
Crush Roller (Famaresa PCB) [Rockman, Edcross] (not working, different protection?)
Microdigital ONYX: new colecovision prototype (unreleased).[Felipe Sanches]
Daruma DS348 dot-matrix printer skeleton driver. [Felipe Sanches]
Aqua Stage [MooglyGuy, Smitdogg, Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 Evolution (Rev B) (GDX-0021B)
[Andy Geezer]
双龙抢珠3 Mahjong Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 3 [Dyq, Guru]
Konami Top Gun [hap, Sean Riddle]
Konami TMNT [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Mickey & Donald [hap, Sean Riddle, segher, O. Galibert]
Gakken Jungler [hap, Kevin Horton, Rik]
Bandai Zaxxon [hap, Kevin Horton, Rik]
Bandai Ultra Man [hap, Kevin Horton, Rik]
Bandai Pengo [hap, Kevin Horton, Rik]
Bandai Burger Time [hap, Kevin Horton, Rik]
NBA Showtime Gold / NFL Blitz 2000 (ver 3.0) (Sports Station?) [?]